(Includes Vendor Sales Tax, Electricity, 2 Chairs, One 8 Foot Table,
You select available spot, 2 Tickets for Crew [$100 value])
Booth rentals are fully tax-deductible. Click the BUY NOW button
below to make your purchase.
Booths are not refundable.

1. NEW ADDITION: We had over 100 people come to Dragonfest after 4 pm and nearly half of the vendors had packed up and left. For 2024, all vendors must remain until 5 pm (that is our new closing time). If you cannot, a booth will not be extended to you. If you leave early, there will no longer be a booth extended to you thereafter. We changed the time from 11 am to 6 pm TO 11 am to 5 pm. Let’s be courteous to those who got off work and came to Dragonfest.
2. Each booth gets a TOTAL OF 2 TICKETS. That includes YOU and one other. If you have a helper, you will need to pay full price for them. This is a fundraiser so everyone needs to pay. Even if someone is there to help you unload, everyone who walks in that door must be paid for.
3. Please DO NOT ASK for free tickets. Every ticket we give away is less funds going to support the museum.
4. There is NO WILL CALL. Everyone will need their ticket to enter. There is NO LIST.
5. VENDORS need to arrive by 8:30 AM on Saturday, August 3. You will have 2.5 hours to set up. Doors open at 11.
6. All booths are numbered on the layout so please don’t switch booths. Please email the booth number you want.
7. Electricity is free, but you must bring an extension cord.
8. YOU WILL NEED TO BRING A TABLE CLOTH. They do not provide one. Its 8-foot tables
9. Do not come the night before to set up. We only have a few hours to put up the pipe and drape
10. There will be 1 food truck outside.
11. You will have 2 chairs.
12. There is parking on the premises. It is only $7. We do not reimburse or validate parking.
13. There is an ATM across the street, but it’s an 8-minute walk.
14. We have a lot more booths this year so please be patient.
15. No masks are required.
16. There are NO REFUNDS, period. If you have to cancel, you will either move your booth selection to the next year or allow your purchase to be a tax deduction for the museum.
17. If you do really well, consider donating a little to the museum on your way out.
18. Michael & Karen Matsuda are the coordinators for the event. Don’t ask him for free admittance.
19. Michael trusts fully in his staff so as he says, “My staff is always right, no matter the argument. I will take their side always.”
20. Please don’t sneak in, you are cheating the museum. We are trying to ensure we can handle this new place.
21. BE NICE when you arrive. Don’t be a jerk! We are not perfect, things will go wrong, but please be patient. This event is run by volunteers who give of their time to help you.
22. Please don’t say “Don’t you know who I am” “Why aren’t I on the list” or stuff like that. Support the museum.
As President Kennedy noted, sort of, “Ask not, what the museum can do for you, ask what you can do for the museum”
Dragonfest is a wonderful event and this year, sponsorship by Burbank is no longer available so we are paying for the whole thing. Please be generous, become a sponsor or consider paying a little extra at the door. We want to keep this event alive.
Many thanks, Michael Matsuda
If you need to get a hold of me, call me at (818) 355-1109 or email me at DO NOT CALL MY PHONE ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT, I CAN’T HEAR IT, TOO MUCH NOISE.